Maintenance and Support
We offer maintenance and support agreements for all licenses with at value (unit cost) of more than 500 EUR (excl. TAX). Explicitly excluded are all user or volume licenses (named user licenses). For these license types no support and maintenance contract is offered!
The maintenance agreement covers support and free upgrades for a period of one year. When you buy a license the first year of maintenance is included in the price. Approximately one year after your initial purchase you will get a notice about the next year's maintenance. All maintenance is optional. This means that you are free to choose not to continue the maintenance program.
Support is given to one named person at the end user's company. All support questions will have to go through this one person at the end user. In case this person leaves the company the support role can be assigned to another person without an extra charge.
The maintenance cost is calculated as 20% per year of the initial purchase amount.
All support is given via email to ensure a document trail of any conversation between 7-PDF and the customer.
In case you choose to discontinue maintenance and want to join the maintenance program again later, you have to upgrade to the current version before the new maintenance can be started.
Upgrading to the most current version
If you are on an old version without an active maintenance agreement then you can upgrade to the latest version. The upgrade price is calculated as 70% of the current list price of the license type you want to upgrade.
Important: Support is free under the conditions stated under an active maintenance. Paid support for licenses outside the maintenance program is not generally available. Therefore, we strongly suggest that you keep your maintenance active.
Discount on maintenance
Normally, you pay for maintenance one year at a time. However, if you choose to buy 3 years of maintenance then we give a fourth free.